
Welcome to the garage. Sleep tight.

After years of trying to keep the old stable clean - and having zero success - we finally decided to turn it into a combo "motorcycle +  sleeping
quarters." How do you do this? Not as simple as it sounds. (Or we thought it would be.)

Step 1: Jack it up! (Replace the rotten sills and get a little extra headroom.)
Step 2: Build a new foundation and pour a fresh slab.
Step 3: Rip out the 1920s cloth wrap wiring and get it up to code.
Step 4: Insulate. Install a heater.
Step 5: Add three new carriage house windows and add glass windows to the carriage doors.
Step 5: Build a sitting room deck and a sleeping loft.
Step 6: Bring in the bear. And the fish. Antlers. Bar.
Step 7: Park the Ural in her new home (as shewas here first - she's just
gonna share her space with you.)

Welcome to the garage cabin. 

Loft ladder: 100 year old hand-carved by a Wisco farmer.
Textiles: All antique sourced via found, free & flea.
Lighting: Salvaged gas station lighting.
Friends: 1 fish, 1 bear.

grid 7
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