HERES TO ALL THE HYBRIDS & HUSTLERS. Those of us with day jobs that afford us the chance to chase our personal passions. The marketing creatives, execs & collaborators who take pride in building the brands of others through more sales, followers & accolades. so we can burn the midnight oil chasing our dream screenplay. book. gallery show. short film. pastry shop. etsy store. YOU GUYS INSPIRE US. We love the ones who say TO HELL WITH BEING TOLD you can only love / do / be one thing. I think we can all FALL IN LOVE WITH EVERYTHING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLEso in celebration of all you hybrids, were launching a not-for-profit residency program soon (stay tuned for deets) -see profile line for creative camp endeavors & / #goodvibesonly. #TinyHousesOfWandawega