Advice from the camp woodshed. (and Henry Ford, a priest and a refugee)”Chop your own wood once and it will warm you twice”.When we bought camp, we found axes everywhere.The Sports shed.The crawl space under the bunkhouse.We found a two-man-saw under the lakeview cabin.and a hatchet with half a handle in the towel closet of the priests bathroom.Finding all these broken bits around camp made me wonder why they bothered to save this junk.- but then we where given the stern reminder from Rita (the 90 year old Latvian refugee who had been coming here for 40 years)The people who came here had lived through WWII. We arent wasteful like people now – we dont throw things away.She also explained her habit wed noticed of reusing coffee grounds to run through the maker a second time. As a teen in the refugee camps of Germany she gathered grounds from American soldiers trash, and as orange rinds to make tea – she said it was a luxury and the soldiers where nice to her…seeing photos of her as a teen we can see why. (She ended up marrying one of them).So we could understand that they wouldnt throw a way a perfectly good axe just because it had a snapped handle.It was the Save everything generation, and now we cant look at a broken axe in the same way again. They needed a home, so we gave this sketch (shot 10) to an Amish family to build us this woodshed to give them one. Rita didnt get to see our woodshed built- (she probably would have scolded us that it was too fancy for the purpose of covering kindling & broken axes)- but we suspect shed still appreciate that we are respecting the old….and shed probably still be making her own campfires like she did up until she was in her late 80s.Weve heard that Reagan and Ali kept chopping their own wood into their 70s, too – something to be said for that.Cut your own firewood.Make your own campfires.Dont be wasteful.(PS: the new @BestMadeCo. axes arent ours, but we suspect that theyll be around a hundred years from now)