We have some news!…The cat may have just been let out of the bag a little.Just did a little interview with the @BostonGlobe about ‘Immunity pods of family and friends starting to venture out on private Vaxicationsexcerpt:Camp Wandawega in Elkhorn, Wisc, has had so many bookings that its building new cabins, – Its also setting aside separate coves, picnic tables, and even beach zones for visiting pods.*This seasons new additions are still going through final inspections this spring with our local permit authorities – but heres a couple hints of whats to come : One of them – (we wont use the word glamping)is our biggest new canvas decked camping addition and fancier than anything weve had before… it sleeps 4 In our woods and feels more like the #WandawegaHillhouse than a 1920s Scout camp. The two smaller ones that well be offering this season are straight out of Moonrise Kingdom tucked into the back acres – cantilevered over a gorgeous kettle that we havent used yet.One things for sure: We are ready for the 2021 season, (all hands on deck with our new hires, opening up over the next couple of weeks). Were already booked for our hot months – but have openings still left. If youre new to our little feed, the way we work here is that we book out our big all-camp events first for events, retreats and charity / cause based groups…and then make the unused inventory available for smaller self-guided groups that can be booked by anybody.Weve just opened up our remaining spots on the calendar for the 2021 season, and look forward to welcoming you if youre looking to get off the grid this summer. See: Airbnb.com/p/wandawegaWith a couple shots by @anda_marie