GOT SOME HAPPY NEWS TODAY:The biggest un-sung heros are our teachers & librarians. Even though our little story is already in that wonderful Random House mass distribution machine- its the tiny hometown libraries & classrooms that we had hoped in our hearts it would also find a home. / turns out, easier said than done / To get a book in Libraries & Schools across the country, a huge gift is to get an endorsement review by Kirkus. (In 1933 Virginia Kirkus started a business as book reviewer, thats now one of the biggest influences to getting into the education & library system.- she wasliterary critic, soothsayer & forecaster for a books success). Our editor at Crown / @RandomHouse just let @donnalukecp & Iknow that they just granted us a glowing recco/ review for the book KIRKUS REVIEW of ‘THE FOREVER TREE: (excerpt) an optimistic message about love, loss and cooperation. An Imaginative tribute…The true story about a tree that grew from something more than water and sunshine. It grew from Love.